
A Guide To US on track to issue more than a million visas to Indians this year

Let’s get a peak on rajkotupdates.news/the-us-is-on-track-to-grant-more-than-1-million-visas-to-indians-this-year!

Guess what’s up? The US is set to dish out over a million visas to folks from India this year! Yep, you heard it right. This visa bonanza includes the H-1B visa, which lets American companies hire foreign brains for jobs needing specialized skills or knowledge. Cool, right?

Hey, check this out! The US is gearing up to hand out over a million visas to Indians this year. Donald Lu, the US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, spilled the beans in an interview with PTI. He assured that the Biden administration is all in, especially this summer, to ensure they process all the student visas for Indians starting school this fall. And hey, they’re not stopping there. They’re also fast-tracking work visas like H-1Bs and L visas, which are super hot among IT pros from India. Looks like it’s going to be a busy year for visa applications!

The H-1B visa is a big deal for US companies. It lets them bring in foreign talent for specialized jobs that need serious brainpower. Think theoretical or technical stuff. And you know who benefits a lot from it? Tech companies. They rely on it to hire loads of folks every year, especially from places like India and China.

Donald Lu spilled some more beans, saying they’re on track to dish out more than a million visas this year. That’s huge! And get this, they’re also breaking records with student visas and immigrant visas.

But hey, they’re not just talking the talk. Lu mentioned the US is dead set on getting all those student visas sorted this summer, especially for Indian students gearing up for fall semester.

Now, here’s the kicker. There’s been a bit of a fuss in India about the long wait times for first-time visa applicants, especially those going for B1 (business) or B2 (tourist) visas. Hopefully, they can smooth out those wrinkles soon.

Guess what? India is rocking the charts as the second-biggest source of international students heading to the US. That’s pretty impressive, right?

But wait, there’s more good news. Donald Lu spilled the beans that they’re giving some serious attention to work visas too. H-1Bs and L visas are getting top priority. And get this, the wait times for these visas in some of the US consular sections in India? They’re down to less than 60 days. Talk about fast-tracking!

Lu made it clear that they’re not slowing down on this front. Prioritizing these visas is a big deal for both the American and Indian economies. So, it looks like they’re keeping the wheels turning for those work visas.

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